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Phil Geurin

A theatrical improviser and trainer. He has toured nationally, teaching thousands of people across the country at medical schools, universities, anime conventions, and more.  


He has performed over 500 shows reaching over 82,000 viewers.

Phil is best known on TV and Radio as Ada Ford's comedic relief and spokesman. He's even on a billboard somewhere in Oklahoma - as a six inch tall character towering fifty feet above the skyline. 

He has played and workshopped with world famous improvisers including Keith Jonstone (Impro), Jill Bernard, Matt Hill ("Badger" from Breaking Bad), Jimmy Carrane (Improv Nerd), Craig Cackowski (30 Rock), and the Second City West Touring Company. 

Available Workshops

Scenes with Mr Bean

Make 'em laugh by looking in the fridge. 

No experience required.


That's a Rap

Rap. It’s what all the cool kids were doing in 2000. It looks hard, but doesn’t have to be. 

No experience required.

1001 Faces - Character Hacking

Use character to make improv effortless. Let those characters carry you to places you couldn't even dream. After all, the dreams were theirs'.

No experience required.

Host like Ellen

Preparation for the 20 minute improv show? 100 hours. Preparation for the 5 minute introduction? Fifteen minutes. Let's change that. Be magnanimous and playful. Know what to say and how to say it. 

No experience required.

The Great Monologue

Make a monologue you'll remember the rest of your life. 

No experience required.

Improv like Olaf

Frozen's Olaf (the snow man) is the perfect mix of flexible and determined. He uses his judgement to ground his scenes while being infinitely playful. His scenes are, in fact, meaningful and grounded. Let's learn to seriously like warm hugs.

Intermediate and above.

Harness the Audience

There is a raw power that sleeps in every theater. It's very shout could shatter your bones. Ask it for 'any word' and only god knows what ghastly utterance will come. But today you will conquer such a beast. You will ride it to new heights and glory. The audience wants to participate and today we break its chains. Encourage it to roar. Empower it to rise from the dead and walk the very stage. Harness it. Help it feel alive. See the sky. It will repay you a thousand fold. 

Intermediate and above.

Multimillion Dollar Budget

Many stories are left unfinished because there was no dragon to slay. The improvisers had a blindspot. They needed a three-person-dragon.

Slay the dragon, take the jump, slo-mo dodge the bullet, self-destruct the secret layer, Godzilla the town, and fly to neverland. Improv is cheap, but it can look like a million bucks. 

Intermediate and above.

Seven Shows in Two Hours

How do you get a new show on its feet in two hours? By getting SEVEN shows on its feet, and keeping your favorite three. 

Intermediate and above.

Relationships that Draw Tears

Up, Forrest Gump, Titanic, and Good Will Hunting all make us cry because we feel the _intimacy_ between the characters and then the loss or tranformation. Lets draw some tears. 

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